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Affected by the Change Healthcare Hack? Here are Some Next Steps

More information about the recent Change Healthcare clearinghouse hack...

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Shifts in Preventative Care That Will Transform Your Practice

Throughout our experience working with practices, we know that hygiene can and should be a robust, profitable part of a practice.

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3 Secrets To Maximizing Hygiene Production

Too many dentists don’t consider hygiene a true profit center. Ignoring the potential in hygiene is a huge loss of opportunity.

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The Dental Practice Profitability Formula

With profits come growth, expansion, team bonuses, investment in new technology, and other key improvements.

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How to Handle Difficult Conversations with Team Members

Difficult conversations are an unavoidable part of leading a dental practice, but there are ways to make them easier and smoother.

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How to Track the True Profitability of Your Practice

Profitability is essential, but we've found that most practice owners don't understand their profitability or how to improve it.

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Should Your Dental Practice Be Open on Sundays?

Expanding hours is a great way to make convenient appointment times available for patients. But, what about Sundays?

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A Foolproof Technique to Motivate Team Members To Perform

If members of the dental team aren't performing at a high level, try this approach to motivate them to achieve more.

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