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Ep 135: Hygiene-Free Models, Assisted Hygiene, Rising Wages, and Other Hot Topics

The Double Your Production Podcast

Ep 135: Hygiene-Free Models, Assisted Hygiene, Rising Wages, and Other Hot Topics

Debates often bubble up on social media about dental hygiene. As wages continue to rise and challenges emerge, many practice owners are considering shortening appointments or shifting models to keep costs manageable. With hygiene-free and assisted hygiene models rising in popularity, Wendy Briggs sat down to share her thoughts on these models and shed light on how they are working in real practices.

It’s important to be sharply aware of the pros and cons of these models in order to protect the business, protect the patient experience, and set your office on a path to growth. If your hygiene department is overloaded or isn’t running profitably, tune into this episode to hear Wendy’s insights so you can make the right decisions for your office.

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