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Ep 140: Small Changes to the Schedule That Impact Financial Performance

The Double Your Production Podcast

Ep 140: Small Changes to the Schedule That Impact Financial Performance

Scheduling is central to the financial success of a dental office. Without a great system for scheduling patients, the day can quickly fall apart with delays, patients getting upset, and the team turning on one another.

In today’s episode of The Double Your Production Podcast, Heather Driscoll is sharing her tips for building a productive, smooth schedule each and every day. Heather has spent her career managing and overseeing dental offices across the US. She owns her own group of practices and sees each day how small changes can create big improvements to performance.

In the episode, you’ll learn…

PLUS, Heather will be speaking on this topic at our upcoming Champions of Dentistry Summit in Austin, TX, so be sure to join us to get a deep dive into her best scheduling strategies.

Click here to learn more and get tickets.

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