Kevin Burniston

Chief Operating Officer

Dentistry is in my blood: my grandfather was a dentist, my mom was an office manager. I’ve witnessed from a young age the positive impact dentistry can have on a smile. I’ve also witnessed how it can devastate owners - watching my grandfather struggle financially to retire at the end of his career, even though he had dedicated his life to providing excellent care. I continue to watch the struggle now with consolidation and this motivates me to empower the dental industry and create opportunity.

My journey in the dental industry started as a sales representative, visiting dental offices. It quickly became apparent how much help was needed. Owner dentists had the technical dentistry down pat, but the business side was a struggle.

I’ve watch dentists cling to the mindset that to grow and help more people, they have to work harder - the problem is most are maxed out. I realized I could help not only add an extra $100k to their practice in their first year working with me, I could also help their dreams come true - designing a life with more family time and less stress.

The client who solidified my path in dentistry was a young dentist who confided in me how heavily in debt he was - from school and practice. He purchased a dental practice from his childhood dentist who had passed away, but by the time he took over the practice, half the patients had been lost. He started to cry as he told me his story because he wasn’t going to make payroll. He, his wife and their three kids were living in his in-laws basement and he didn’t have the heart to tell his wife they couldn’t afford the house she sought. Three years after telling his story, with the help of my industry friends and myself, not only had he turned converted to a high production practice, he opened a second location.

I’ve worked with Animal Health and medical, but dentistry always drew me back because I see how a single dentist can transform thousands of patients’ smiles. The more production, the more patients transformed.

In this era of consolidation, the legacy I wish to contribute to The Team Training Institute by giving the current generation of dentists the same ownership opportunities and career satisfaction as previous generations of dentists enjoyed. I'm proud to work with TTI - a company I’ve witnessed, after single trainings, completely transform the lives of dentists, teams, patients, and families.

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